The Drones Quilt is a project of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. FoR is a charity that promotes non-violence and peace and works to end armed conflict, campaigning on peace issues and educating about a philosophy of non-violence.

The quilt is a work of advocacy. The concept is simple: raise awareness about drones and remind the government that those killed by drones are human beings, whose lives are sacred. Each square of the quilt is made by someone like you, who writes their name and then the name of a victim on a square of fabric. By doing so you advocate for that person, you put your name next to theirs as a sign that you stand in solidarity with them. These are then sewn together to create a visual petition.

Drones are remotely detonated weapons, they can be used in the Middle East, for example, but detonated by someone in Nebraska. They reduce human beings to dots on a screen, tiny blobs of light in the control room of an army base. They are also inaccurate and wildly random in their targets, often killing civilians miles away from military bases or nominated “targets”. The quilt restores humanity to those killed or maimed and reminds people that for every single victim of a drone there was a real person with loves, desires and a life.

We want to take the quilt to Parliament to advocate on behalf of those killed needlessly. Britain is already involved in the drones industry and wants to be more so, this is unacceptable and barbaric.

It’s easy to get involved:

1. Using the tab at the top, read some stories about people killed or maimed by drones. Choose a story that resonates with you.

2. Cut a square of fabric 30cm by 30cm.

3. Sew, write, embroider or paint your name and the name of someone killed by a drone onto your square. Be as creative as you can!

4. Pop it in an envelope and post it to Peace House, 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD

5. Tell people! The more squares, the bigger the quilt, the more impact.

e-mail with any questions. To read more about the Fellowship of Reconciliation, check out our website at or sign up for our e-news here. To learn more about drones go to

  1. Jean Wyatt said:

    Yes please – Thank you for the opportunity of saying we deplore, hate what is being done in our name! Drones are a further abomination – humans still devising more and more methods of killing their fellows – shall make a square as directed – peace – JeanClare

  2. Kate Jones said:

    I genuinely think this is one of the most fantastic ideas for showing solidarity I have ever seen. I will be sharing it with all friends and family and getting everyone involved so you can have a huge quilt to take to parliament!

  3. Nancy R. said:

    This is an excellent campaign for awareness of the effects of drones. Does anyone know if there is a similar movement in the U.S.? Thanks!

  4. Are you still collecting squares? I’ve only just found out about this and would love to contribute.

    • We are! Spread the word! Especially at a uni, if you’d like us to make a poster to put up somewhere (Chaplaincy, lecture theatre etc), get in touch. The squares we receive from now on will be for a smaller quilt which is transportable, for festivals and the like.
      Thanks for asking – the more advocates, the better.

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